Filters for Minox : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
I have a Minox ML35. I'm getting back to black and white photography, and would like to use B&W in the Minox ML as well as my full frame 35 SLR.I'm looking for filters. Minox sells a slip-on hood, a neutral density, and a skylight. I'm interested in yellow, orange, red, green for B&W effects.
Am I fooling myself?
-- Jeff
-- Jeff Polaski (, March 22, 1999
In addition to a skylight, a ND filter there is a close up lens for Minox 35 series camera. A good source for color filters for B&W is to look for some 32mm slip on filters from oldy and goody camera manufacturers ( Zeiss Ikon, Voigtlander etc )
-- martin tai (, March 22, 1999.
MINOX 35 AND FILTERS Hoya makes 40.5 mm filters. These fits exactly inside the rubber sunshade on the Minox lenshood or ND/Skylight filters. Hoya makes yellow, orange, red, green and yellow-green filters for B&W photography.
-- Vyvind Balstad (, May 21, 1999.
In late 70s, Minox made thirty types of different clip on filters for Minox 35 camera, ranging from yellow, red, dark red to orange, purple, green and soft focus filter.However, because the massive shift of consumer from BW photography to color photography, the demand for BW filter for compact camera nose dived, and all BW filters for Minox were discontinued.
If you look for BW filter for Minox 35, search for used markets or eBay.
These days, no body makes any filter for compact camera even top of the line compact.
My Contax T2 does not even have a UV filter
Minox GT-E has a built in filter, this is a great luxury in compact camera, and it is one of the selling point of GT-E.
-- martin tai (, December 31, 2000.
-- martin tai (, January 01, 2001.
Here is a place which sells compact camera holder for Cokin filterLook for ACCA: COMPACT CAMERA HOLDER
-- martin tai (, January 01, 2001.