merchandise {where can I get some?} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Hello everyone. I have heard the bad news about J. Peterman. Is there an alternative magazine or book where I can purchase accessories from the movie? I am not interrested in any of Rose's dresses although they are very beautifull. I am interested in some of the accessories found during the movie. Exspecially Cal's pocket watch. Thank you.

-- Josh H. (, March 21, 1999


I usually check ebay by keyword every so often; there's over a thousand items, right now.

-- Thomas M. Terashima (, March 22, 1999.

I am selling an original life vest that was used in the movie- it has a cert of authenticity from Fox Studios-- adult size. A prop dealer online was selling his for $795-- I can do better

-- Sherry (, September 17, 2004.

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