How do i make a perfect Video CD 2.0?? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i tried making a Video CD 2.0 on Adaptec Easy Creator... and when i play it on my video cd player... the sound cuts off every 10 or so seconds...

can anybody tell me the proper way in making 2.0 VCDs??...

-- rOy (, March 21, 1999


maybe u use snazzi mpeg encoder board. mpeg producere from snazzi board is not compatible with vcd player

-- submarine (, May 22, 1999.

I have a Dazzle DVC and tried for some time to make a VCD that would play properly. I had the same problem with audio clicks, glitches cutouts etc on both of my DVD players.

I got the XingMPEG encoder and re-encoded the mpeg files to be VCD compliant and the problem went away.

Seems while the Dazzle creates mpegs well enough to play on the PC, they must be far enough out of spec to screw up in the DVD players.

-- Pete (, May 27, 1999.

Snazzi does create properly encoded streams for use on VideoCDs. There were problems with earlier versions of the board; you can tell because they are flat-out rejected by Adadptec Easy CD Creator when you try to use them.

The later versions are characterized by also having a power supply connector on the edge of the PCI card. They also come bundled with iFilmEdit 1.3.

-- Alan L (, August 17, 1999.

If your intended final format is VCD, use something other than Snazzi or Dazzle for capturing. Snazzi & Dazzle are good for capturing videos that will be used for web sites, etc., but not for VCDs.

-- Emmanuel Martinez (, August 28, 1999.

I'm using a addtronic 1394 firewire card to import my mpeg1 file. What is the best software to use to make a VCD (least money and best results?) Also what is the best DVD player to buy to play the VCD's the I create?

-- Dan Newlon (, January 14, 2000.

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