k2000w disc saving

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

how to save and load to and from disc(the ones supplied)

-- rob james (rjames@musiciansfriend.com), March 17, 1999



Simple answer. Put the disk in the floppy drive. Press the DISK button. From the screen make sure that CURRENT DISK=Floppy. Press the LOAD button on the screen. You should see a list of files. Pick the file(s) you want then press OK. It will then ask in which of the user banks you want to load the sounds...200, 300, 400 etc. Pick on and press OK. Then FILL.

Which Musician's Friend store are you from?

PS: This forum will be closing shortly, please use the sonikBBS site linking from the K2500 Zone.

Mike Martin Kurzweil Music Systems

-- Mike Martin (K25zone@aol.com), March 17, 1999.

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