Has anyone actually got a dress and if so where?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I was just wondering if anyone has got a dress from Titanic and if so...when and where.I've looked desperately for one but cannot find any!!!!Thanks!!

-- Jo Duggan (Rose103531@aol.com), March 14, 1999


Hi Jo,

I have a wonderful sinking dress from Kat Hargus at Making Time. I got this in October for Halloween. You can get it in crepe georgette or silk chiffon as in the movie for $600.00 (unless the prices have changed by now) or chiffon for $300.00. But why don't you e-mail her and ask for the prices. Her web page is www.makingtime.com I'm also getting a wonderful dinner dress made by Tina Fisher at Sew Beautiful. You can bead it yourself for $300.00 or have her bead it for you at $600.00. She also sells the white dinner dress, flying dress, sinking dress, and jump dress. Pics are on her site. www.awebpage.com/sewbeautiful/titanic.html Check out some more seamstresses on Jennie Chancey's site under costume and seamstress links. Her address is www.sensibility.com/titanic.htm Enjoy, and let me know how things work out!

{updated typo in sensibility link; added .htm to address}

-- Kelly (kelly_rose1@hotmail.com), March 14, 1999.

Hi Jo,

I was just wondering as to how things went in your search for Titanic dresses. Did you communicate with any of the seamstresses I gave you in the list? Do let all of us here know how your search went. Good luck, and I do hope you find the dress of your dreams!

Kelly :-)

-- Kelly (kelly_rose1@hotmail.com), March 15, 1999.

Hi Jo,

maybe you want to try our site at

We can make nearly any dress from the movie and also have a big Archive of pictures on our sites. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me.

Kind regards
Sabine Pothmann
That sinking feeling

{added paragraph and line break tags throughout}

-- Sabine Pothmann (Rose@titanicdress.com), March 26, 1999.

Visit http://www.Ltopinc.com/jlaconte for accurate Titanic dress reproductions.

{activated link}

-- Jennifer LaConte (jennifer@2-cool.com), September 20, 2000.

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