VideoCD Quality - How do I improve? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am capturing video from DV tape in PAL format - 720x576 / 25fps. To convert to MPEG format & burn my Video CD's I am using CeQuadrat WinOnCD.The output however is pretty poor with lots of artifacts. Is this the best I can expect or is there anything I can do improve things?
-- Jonathan White (, March 13, 1999
Tyr the Snazzi capture card to capture the movie and Easy CD Creatore Deluxe to make the VCD. if you want to go the hard way use XINGMpeg Encoder and Easy CD Creator to make the movies. Great quality either way.
-- T (, March 13, 1999.
My rainbow runner captures only to avi, so I encoded it with Xing to convert it to Mpeg. The quality is still not good. Pixelations are noticeable specially if there are movements.Can anybody out there help me what settings I need to improve quality or get another encoder other than Xing or DVmpeg? I dont want to spend on hardware setup anymore..but i do hear that the snazzi capture card would do the work
-- pj ramos (, April 07, 1999.
It not about the encoder. it is about the capture card the more resolution you get from capture card the better you will get in MPG. I use AVMaster capture card from Fast Media and use XingMPEG to encode it. this is how i do the VCD mastering everyday. ** save alot of money this way, the AVmaster about 599.99 USD+Tax.***
-- Kenny (, April 08, 1999.
Bottom line...if you are going to capture with a non mpeg-1 capturing board, use Heuris MPEG Pro to convert avi to mpeg NOT XINGIf you are going to use an mpeg-1 capture board, use Broadway Pro, not Snazzi, dazzle, videoh, python, etc
-- MrVCD (, July 25, 1999.
If you see strange set of teeth on moving object in your final .mpg file, I'll suggest to 'deinterlace' your captured AVI file, before pass it to Xing (using e.g. Premiere or other editing sw). This will improve a bit the borders on moving objects. Try also (if your disk is fast enough) to capture the original clip with best lowest compression (better input quality = better output quality!). Anyway, do not forget that VideoCD resolution is 1/4 of your captured AVI. Good Luck! Luigi
-- Luigi Brambilla (, August 02, 1999.