Nikon 950 vs Nikon 700 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am in the market for a good quality digital camera and I am very impressed by the pictures that Nikon 950 takes. I also noticed that the Nikon 700 sells for over $300 less and its specifications are almost identical to the 950. What is the most important thing that I will be missing if I decide for the 700? Is it worth over $300?

Thanks for your help, Rudy Don

-- Rodolfo Don (, March 10, 1999


The most important thing is probably the 3x optical zoom and the swivel design. That makes the Nikon 700 just a very expensive wide angle camera ...that provides excellennt images, though.

-- Alex Man (, March 10, 1999.

700 autofocus has 127 steps instead of 4746 (does 950 really use em all?) fixed 2.6 aperture instead of 2.6 to 4 1.8" lcd instead of 2" weights 320g instead of 390g 114 X 267 X 38.5 instead of 143 X 76.5 X 36.5 no aperture or shutter priority unlike 950 no external flash connector unlike 950

For me the biggie is optical zoom, that kills it for me.

-- benoit (, March 12, 1999.

See the specs for your self

-- RS (, March 15, 1999.

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