Questions to ask power provider... : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

I am in the process of obtaining information for my community to assess the possibility of disruptions, and would like some assistance in determining any questions I should be asking our power company (Saskatchewan Power Company). They expect to be "ready" by mid 1999. I personally believe that although "no one knows exactly what will occur" there is a serious possibility of disuptions, and if communities are prepared NOW it will minimize ANY problems that MIGHT arise later. Also, I live in a small village, and we have received very little information from the government in regards to dealing with this issue, however I am in the process of writing various government departments to get more info. Canada's State of Readiness Report (February/1999) suggests that more emphasis is being placed on larger centres. As well, I understand that even if our power company is compliant there is a risk of failure within the power grid. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

-- Anonymous, March 10, 1999


This list of y2k-electical questions, to ask power utilities , is at the very end of a helpful FAQ How Bulk Electrical Transmission Works - located @

"Armed with this background, you should ask your utility to respond questions such as the following:

-What percentage of RTUs in bulk transmission systems have been tested? -What percentage of RTUs in bulk transmission systems are Y2K compliant? -What percentage of Y2K-noncompliant RTUs have been replaced or repaired? -Have data interfaces between EMS and SCADA systems at your utility and bulk transmission companies been checked for accurate interaction after Y2K repairs? -What percentage of bulk transmission systems providing power to your utility can fail without reducing the utilitys capacity margin to less than the percentage of extra capacity needed to meet peak demand during January? -What contingency plans has the utility made to resolve inter-company billing disputes? -How much additional staff would the bulk transmission company need to bring on over the New Year to provide full accounting and management of its system without EMS and SCADA assistance?"

You'd probably want to examine the entire FAQ - it's not long - for greater clarity on above questions? Hope this helps? gdbls,

-- Anonymous, March 10, 1999

Moderation questions? read the FAQ