Ok where is Bugg Girl? or Kidd Diva?greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Now its been a while since i have seen Bugg she always made me laugh if anyone knows where she is do email me thanks alot!
-- Lord_of_Rain (jduhy@hotmail.com), March 10, 1999
umm..last seen in palace a few days ago, she and beat both come in--have you read the latest issue of the contortionist? She is doing a great job on that, but busy with work a lot! Try leaving her a message at the contortionist :-)K
-- Katya (kgregor@fast.net), March 11, 1999.
i live i swear. somewhere. I miss you all. I really do. I got to meet JulesD for all who care we had fun, jules, beat,and I. I do work a lot. I'm working for A.G. Edwards and Sons, so I spend a lot of time out of the house...of course if I move closer to work I'll have a lot more free time apart from commute. So, HUGGGGGGGGSSSSSSSSSSSSSS bugg hugg much and all that happy jazz be well and ya know... keep in touch
-- buggnessthekidd-divadisaster....hehe (bugg-girl@rocketmail.com), March 20, 1999.