CALLLLING ALLLL EXILERS! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hmmm have some of you wondered where Katya went!? Yea I did too for a while until I started talking to her on ICQ and she told me about this new place called the Palace. Palace is a really cool chat and I think it's worth looking into. You can Download the software on her page@ If you have any questions just post a reply! I hope you all look into it : ) Love ya ~Megi
-- Megiano (, March 07, 1999
Megs (and a few other exilers) and I have been having fun in palace. It takes a little getting used to (but the avatars are awesome!), so if you d/l it and want someone to walk you through the first bit, icq me (13353265) and I'll meet you there!~Katya
-- Katya (, March 08, 1999.
oh no! can't be abandon us here in the Exile!....too many echoes as there is???
-- Ken Gowash(washngo) (, March 08, 1999.
Next time I see you I'll have to ask some questions about the palace.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 10, 1999.
Laighe,Anytime, Palace is a great chat, you'd love the avatars (no little rectangles, and you can animate them). If you d/l the program (at, give me a ring on icq (13353265) and I'll walk you through and introduce you to Hideout (where I hang out). Lots of really nice people there. Hope to see you soon!
-- Katya (, March 11, 1999.
arghhhhhhhh I tried palace but the graphics are too much for my little ole machine,but yes I agree it does look fun.
-- gyps3 (, March 14, 1999.