Oly a/c power supply substitute??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

The Olympus a/c power supply (D-340R) is so darned expensive ($49) I'm wondering if a generic outfit would work. denis

-- Denis Diekhoff (lucky@usfamily.net), March 04, 1999


While there is always some risk in using a non mfgr approved product, power supplies are often pretty generic, and a wide variety are available from Radio Shack & similar dealers.

These are the important things:

Rated Voltage (must be the same as original equipment power supply). Typically the actual voltage at the pins is a bit higher than specified (a 6V supply may produce 6.5 or more volts under no-load conditions). This is typically not a problem, as OEM supplies also generally behave the same way, and the product is supplied with some voltage regulation internally.

Current capacity must be equal to or greater than the OEM. Over capacity within reason is not a big worry. This area is often misunderstood. People are sometimes afraid that a 750 mA unit is too powerfull for a 500mA application. This is not an issue on any non 'current-regulated' product (which includes ALL power adaptors that I have ever seen). All the after market type AC adaptors are voltage, not current, regulated.

Polarity: this cannot be emphasized enough. The + and - designations MUST be correct or the product can be damaged. Fortunately most products have a small graphic at the connector specifying which is which. Many after market adaptors have switches or other methods of providing the correct polarity. Be sure you set it righ and be sure you take steps so that it cannot be changed by accident.

A caution about using something from around the house: AC output: a few OEM adaptors for radios and tape recorders may actually have low voltage AC output. Never use one of these by mistake, I don't believe any camera has that kind of requirement. In general, purchase an adaptor designed for universal service (with the specifications in the manual), never use something from some other product.

Connector: Universal adaptors often come with interchangeable connectors. Be sure the one you select fits securely into the plug socket.

These are general guidelines and I have never encountered any problem. But, of course, you must apply them at your own risk. I cannot be responsible if you make an error in power supply selection.


-- jay holovacs (holovacs@idt.net), March 05, 1999.

*Excellent* answer, Jay! Thanks for such great support of the forum! The one thing I'd add in general about third-party AC adapters is a strong caution, IF the adapter charges the batteries inside the camera. If the adapter is just providing operating power to the camera, the issues Jay listed are pretty much all you need to worry about. If it's also a battery charger though, that's a whole different ball game, and I'd never recommend substituting a third-party unit. That said, I don't think the 340R charges batteries internally.

-- Dave Etchells (hotnews@imaging-resource.com), March 09, 1999.

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