Does Minox B has an improved shutter than IIIs ? : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

It seems to me that the shutter control panel on my B has a 1 sec stop, IIIs goes only to 1/2.

-- Peter Resnick (, March 04, 1999


Response to Is Minox B has an improved shutter than IIIs ?

Minox B shutter has gear to couple to the exposure meter, in that sense, B shutter was improvement of IIIs shutter. Mechanically, I think the two shutters are the same. There is no 1 sec on B. The dot between B and 1/2 sec you see on your B is still 1/2 sec. There is no marking under that dot. The dot is used for metering, if in low light condition when you turn the dial to match the needle and arrive at that point, the meter calls for a one sec shutter. But you have to use a tripod use the B setting to get the one sec.

-- martin tai (, March 04, 1999.

How Minox shutter works">

-- martin tai (, November 17, 2001.

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