gobbles' joke of the weekgreenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
OK...time for another joke...I promise to try and make them shorter now *smile* ~~ One day a fisherman was searching desperately for worms so that he could fish. Having looked and not found a single one, he was getting pretty fed up. He spied a small snake sliding past with a worm in its mouth, so before he could think, he grabbed the snake and took the worm from it. The snake looked at him with pitiful eyes and the fisherman felt sorry for it, so he gave the little snake some beer. So the fisherman went away and threw his line into the water and waited for a fish to bite. Suddenly he felt a nudge on his leg, and looking down, saw the little snake, with three worms in its mouth... ~~ Hope you like!!
-- gobbles (gobbles2@hotmail.com), February 25, 1999