Olympus 320L to TV

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just bought the 320L yesterday and can't get it to output to a television. I've followed the manual to no avail. Please help as I'd like to be able to share family pictures with out of towners when I travel

-- Joe Casey (jfc@duda.com), February 24, 1999


One thought: The output of the camera is a *video* signal, not the radio-frequency input that a typical TV tuner wants to see. You'll need something to convert the video signal to a TV one. If your TV doesn't have an input labelled "Video" (as opposed to "Antenna" or "Ant"), check your VCR if you have one - they usually have direct video inputs, and you could run the signal through it. Failing that, Radio Shack sells "RF Modulators" for use with video games and TVs that don't have direct video input jacks. These gadgets take the video input, and output it on TV channel 3 or 4 (usually switch-selectable).

Hope this helps!

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), March 05, 1999.

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