Olympus NiMH battery charger OK for others?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just got an Olympus D620L. It comes with a NiMH charger and 4 1450mA cells. Is the charger usable with other types of NiMh cells (like Nexcell?)

-- John Lee (jmlee@jps.net), February 23, 1999


Absolutely! - Any NiMH charger should work equally well with other NiMH battery brands. One note though, don't mix the two types of batteries on the same charge cycle - mixing different capacity batteries could result in either bad overheating, or undercharging. Also, be sure you're only charging NiMH, not NiCd. The two battery types require rather different charging cycles.

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), March 05, 1999.

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