Compactflash card for Minolta EX1500 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Bear with me folks, I'm about to take the plunge and have decided on the Minolta EX1500. I started looking at the accessories I wanted to buy with the camera, and now am completely confused about compactflash memory cards. I see 48MB cards from Sandisk and Simple Technology at somewhat reasonable prices, but when I used the Memory Map on Simple Technology's web site ( ) it indicated 32MB Compactflash ATA as the largest capacity media they offer for the 1500.

What is Compactflash ATA and is it different than Compactflash? The Minolta spec sheet for the camera just says compactflash with no mention of "ATA".

Thanks, Jerry

-- J Visage (, February 19, 1999


They're both the same - "ATA" refers to a hard-drive interface standard used by all the CF cards. Any of the CF cards should theoretically work in any camera. I have heard though, that some cameras deviate from the standard in subtle ways that can cause problems. I think Lexar is currently the most on top of these sorts of issues, based on conversations I've had with their technical people. As to the 1500, I'd either a) check with Minolta, or b) give Lexar a call. Their website is, where you should be able to get contact info for them...

-- Dave Etchells (, February 25, 1999.

Thanks Dave,

I was finally able to speak with someone at Minolta. They have tested SanDisk and Lexar media for compatibility. I was able to find what I considered a decent price for the Lexar 64MB compact flash. The camera, flash card and ImageMate USB reader all came in yesterday. I'm quite pleased, and owe you guys many thanks for the great web site. Without the info on this site, I suspect my purchase would have been based on impulse rather than informed decision.

Thanks, Jerry

-- J Visage (, February 26, 1999.

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