MINOX Enlarger

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

About Minox enlarger. I can only provide details of Minox enlarger II. Hope owner of Minox enlarger I, III or color enlarger supplies the rest.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), February 19, 1999


Response to Minox Enlarger

MINOX Enlarger

Minox negative can be enlarged with any enlarger equipped with 8x11 negative carrier and enlarger lens with of focal length between 15mm to 25mm. For small size prints, even enlarging lens for 35mm negative can be used, although with less optimum result, because the enlarging lens is severely cropped.

Minox enlarger is tailored for Minox negatives, it uses the super sharp 15mm lens to the full. Just as no 35mm lens can match the resolution of Minox camera lens, no 35mm enlarging lens can match the resolution of Minox enlarger lens. Same story, small format lens in general is sharper then larger format, due to scaling effect-- When a well corrected lens of given formulation is scaled down, the scaled down lens is also not only well corrected but the size of blur spot is also scaled down, yielding higher resolution

Minox enlaarger I is a collector item. Hard to find.

Minox enlarger II is more common, useful for B&W prints.

Minox color enlarger is also hard to find.

For detail description of various models of Minox enlarger, see Hubert Heckmann: Minox Variations in 8x11

A few years ago, I was thinking of buying an enlarging lens from Minox and adapt it to use on my 35mm enlarger. At that time I was quoted a price of C$800 ! I opted for a used Minox II complete with lens for $150. It is a bargain. Price of Minox enlarger varies, depending upon condition. Minox camera, Minox daylight development tank, Minox enlarger and Minox projector are the four corner stones of Minox 8x11 system.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), February 19, 1999.

Response to Minox Enlarger

MINOX Enlarger II

For picture of Minox enlarger II, see Eiki Takahashi's picture

Minox enlarger

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), February 19, 1999.

Response to Minox Enlarger

Minox Enlarger Lamp

Dr. Fischer  6V/6A and  6V3A offset lamp 

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), February 19, 1999.

Response to Minox Enlarger

Dr Fischer Bulb

Dr. G. Fischer 6V6A offset filament lamp is hard to find. The reflector of Minox enlarger II can be raised for use with other 6V miniature lamps. For example, General Eletric #1133 miniature lamp has same S.C bayonet, 6V 3.9A may be use. A good source of replacement miniature lamps is bulbman 630 Shunshine Lane, Reno, NV 89502 Phone: 1-800-648 1163 (USA & Canada) FAX (USA) 800/548 6216.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), February 19, 1999.

Response to Minox Enlarger

Replacement Bulb

If you asked bulbman, "Do you have Dr. G.Fishcer 6V6A #1521 lamp ?" The lady at the order desh will look up her computer, and anser "Oh yes, we have Dr. Fischer lamp, at $22.90 each !" I was so happy and ordered two. When I got the package, the lamps were so big, it has two contacts, instead of one, and were 6V 50 W variety, and no "Dr. Fischer" can be found on the box ! That was the result of computer cross reference. I returned then and replaced with a box of 1133 lamps. If you hunt for Dr. Fischer bulbs, make sure you want only Dr. Fischer 6V6A single contact bayonet bulb, no cross reference !

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), February 19, 1999.

Response to Minox Enlarger

The negative rails on both side of the negative carrier is unique to Minox enlarger. The width of the negative rails is 9mm slightly narrower than the 9.2mm width of the negative strip. You can hold the negative strip and the rail together with thumb and index finger and slide the strip along the rail, this faciliates moving and positioning of a frame.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), February 20, 1999.

Response to Minox Enlarger

Where to Buy New Dr. Fischer 6V6A LAMP

Apparently, Dr. Fischer 6V6A light bulb for MInox enlarger is available again !

In USA check with MPL.

In Canada check with: Eight Elms Photo.

Recently I bought spare Fischer 6V6A bulb from 8 Elms Photo in Toronto. The lamp is now called "Special Lamp" instead of automotive lamp.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), February 23, 1999.

Response to Minox Enlarger

Walter Zapp and Minox enlarger II

You don't see many pictures of Walter Zapp operating one of his design. In Heckmann's book, "Minox Variations in 8x8x11", there is a picture of Walter Zapp, then at his fourties, dressed in white lab coat focusing a Minox enlarger model II. Walter Zapp loves his Minox enlarger.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), March 07, 1999.

Response to Minox Enlarger

Martin, is the Fisher bulb absolutely necessary? What is the down side of using other lamp ?

-- Fred Mason (Fredm@starnet.com), March 20, 1999.

Response to Minox Enlarger

Fred, I am quite happy with the Dr. Fischer 6v6a bulb. It had being unavailable for several years, so I bought some substitute GE and Sylvania 6v bulbs with fits with the same type of bayonet mount; but I never try them. When the Fischer bulb becomes available again recently, I took the advantage to buy two spares. I may do some tests with the General Electirc and Sylvania substitute bulbs to find out.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), March 21, 1999.

Response to Minox Enlarger

1. About Bulbs: There is a replacement for the 6V6A Lamp by Osram, although only 6V3A it fits perfectly with the same dimensions and placement of filament, which is very important. both, 3A and 6A, are at least avaiable from the Minox factory, Germany, at about DM 20 each.

2. Buying an used Minox enlarger: it is very important to know that there is a third lens in the lighthouse additional to the two of the condensor. This third is placed just below the lamp and can be removed very easy. When this lens is missing, all pictures are fuzzy and unsharp. One then tends to think this is due to the 8 x 11 format, but it isn't!!!! (In my enlarger, this was missing. It took a long while to find out!)

-- Oliver Pyper (pyper@fks.chem.tu-berlin.de), March 22, 1999.

Response to Minox Enlarger

Replacement Bulbs do not perform well

I have tested my General Electric 6v lamp and Sylvania 6V lamp in my Minox enlarger, hoping these cheap bulbs perform as good as Dr. Fischer 6v6a special lamps. There are some people out there saying replacement bulbs are as good. But the fact is they never seen or use a Minox enlarger with 6v6a bulb, leave alone side by side comparison. I have Fischer 6v6 bulb, GE bulb and Sylvania bulb, so I can do side by side comparison. I am writing up a report, and post it this forum in a few days.

The replacement bulbs have wrong centering, wrong orientation, and wrong focus. There is no way they can replace the Dr. Fischer bulb for Minox enlarger.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), March 29, 1999.

Oliver, you are right, the position of the lamp filament is rather critcal in Minox enlarger, as it is a genuine point source condensor enlarger.

OSRAM 6V-6A 8128 HB0 or OSRAM 6v 3a bulbs has the right orientation, the filament is parallel to the bayonet pins as oppose to American bubls with filament perpendicular to bayonet pins.

The third lens you mentioned is an important part in Minox enlarger's illumination system, it is a collimator lens, when a filmanet is positioned exactly at the focal point of this collimator, the light is collimcated into a parallel ray towards the condensor. But both these Osram lamps's filament is not positioned at focal point of collimator; the only lamp which does is Dr. Fischer 6v6a special lamp. See my article about Minox Enlarger Illumination system.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), April 11, 1999.

model dimension lens carrier print size lamp material column filter accesories
Riga I 8" height

2.5 x 3.5"
black bakalite

Riga II

9 x 12"


Minox enlarger I

2.5x3.5" to 5x7" Dr.Fischer 6V 5A metal straight

Minox enlarger II 32" 15mm/f3.5 curved film plane 2.5x3.5" to 9x12" Dr. Fischer 6v 6a metal slanted red copy attachment
Minox enlarger III
15mm /f3.5
removable lens board
flat film plane 2.5x3.5" to 9x12" Dr. Fischer 6v 6a metal slanted red
Color enlarger II
15mm/f3.5 flat film plane 2.5x3.5" to 9x12" Dr. Fischer 6v 6a metal slanted color filter set
Color enlarger III
15mm/f3.5 flat film plane 2.5x3.5" to 9x12" Dr. Fischer 6v 6a metal slanted color filter set
Ken, I never seen a Dr. Fischer 6V3A bulb. I have the 6v6a and 6v5a versions. The 6v6a has offset( ie filmament closer to one side of bulb wall then opposite side) the 6v5a one has not offset( filament equidistance to left/right of bulb).

Looks like Ken and Ralph have 6v3a bulb with offset, functionally it should fine with Minox enlarger.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), August 10, 1999.

I am looking at a Minox enlarger to purchase. It has the serial no. 19443, there is no red filter and the neg carrier is flat and removable. The neg carrier has the old mouse logo on it, but the lamphouse has a rectangular stick-on logo. Any idea if it is a II or III? Thanks

-- John T Young (youngs@vicnet.net.au), August 16, 1999.

John, you have a model III enlarger

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), August 16, 1999.

I just bought a replacement lamp for my Minox enlarger from the MPL as a spare. I have not tried it yet. They are not listed on their printed price list so you have to call and ask for it. The price last week was $37.50 plus shipping. It is a Dr. G. Fischer "Autolicht" and rubberstamped on the box is "6V 3 Amp / BA 15s." So it is a 3 amp blub rather than a six. I do not know how this will affect brightness but with the 6 amp bulb exposure times for anything smaller than a 5 x 7 print are rather fast on modern RC papers. All of the meausrements match those that Martin Tai has given for the 6 V 6A bulb including the offset and orientation of the filiment, which is smaller than in the 6 amp blub--maybe it will be even more of a point source light.

-- Ken Trettin (hogman@netins.net), August 17, 1999.

Ken, I never seen a Dr. Fischer 6V3A bulb. I have the 6v6a and 6v5a versions. The 6v6a has offset( ie filmament closer to one side of bulb wall then opposite side) the 6v5a one has not offset( filament equidistance to left/right of bulb).

Looks like Ken and Ralph have 6v3a bulb with offset, functionally it should fine with Minox enlarger.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), August 18, 1999.

Minox Enlarger Carriers

It is generally believed that Minox enlarger has only 8x11mm format carrier. It is no doubt the most common carrier for the Minox enlarger. But there were several different format carriers for it.

However all these carriers are scarce.

Some Minox 8x11 carrier may be mount by turning 90 degree to make 8x8mm square carrier.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 18, 2001.

When you buy Minox enlarger, make sure to check that it comes with a lens (not fungus) and pressure plate, these are items sometimes missing.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), August 11, 2001.

How to make a replacment mask:

replacement mask

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), October 23, 2001.

Minox enlarger table in ebug site


was copied from here without my permission

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), November 03, 2001.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), May 24, 2002.

Specification of Minox enlarger lens

  1. Name: Micro-MINOX (Micro-COMPLAN ?)
  2. Focal length: 15mm
  3. Aperture: f/3.5
  4. Type: 4 element 3 group Tessar type anastigmat
  5. Coating: antireflection coating compensate tungsten light bulb
  6. Film plane: spherical ( COMPLAN type )

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), May 24, 2002.

Minox enlarger I has a different lens

Focal length 20 mm


-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), May 28, 2002.

Minox enlarger model II

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), June 01, 2002.

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