Question about Power Spikes : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
Actually...two questions: 1. How do we score Power Spikes 2? There are two different scoring methods if I'm not mistaken, the normal method in the league plays, but in the men/women sections, it's scored by "points", like first to 5 or something like that? 2. I was trying to play the league mode and I noticed the computer has a real problem getting my serves and sets...and it's all normal stuff there a bug with the computer player in beta 3 (I use the WinBeta) or is the computer really this stupid? =) I just wanna make sure so I don't get a "banned recording" after a couple more betas...LOL Great to be back at MARP by the way...I found ROM sites again so I'm playing again...=) Now I can only find that darn Championship Baseball 2 romset...10 points for me for sure...(if the same thing happens in champbb2 like it did in champbas, me having a score much higher than second place)
-- James Reisdorf (, February 19, 1999