Who Processes C-22 Film?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

We found a roll of Kodacolor-X color negative 120 film in an old camera. The film requires C-22 processing. Where could I get this processed? How much should it cost? (We don't even know if there's anything on the film, so we'd rather not spend too much.)

Thanks, Mike

-- Mike Wapner (CMW012@email.mot.com), February 17, 1999


Hey there Mike,

Was only looking for the same thing. I came across a film lab in CO that says they process C-22, a little bit much, but they do it. Its at www.rockymountainfilm.com/c22.htm I think?!

Good luck

-- Annette (cobbknot@yahoo.com), July 22, 2003.

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