City Y2K Meeting minutes on the web : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Our city post the minutes to its Y2K meetings on the web... not a lot of meat, but better than nothing. This is an excerpt: --------------------------------------------- Information Services (Alex Pettit) Had our first Year 2000 bug problem occur in our court system. The way the application worked: It took the current year and added 1 to it. Then compared the year that was being entered by the clerk and if that number was greater than the number of the current year plus 1, it would not let you access anything. (Took 2  hours to repair.)

Internal Audit (Susan Croff)

Will do a pre-audit. What documentation do we have? What are our high-risk operations? Look at vendors and the risk they may cause if not Y2K compliant. Passing out forms to help with these procedures. Make sure what we have identifiedsare we going to be okay? What is the contingency plan? Make the City Manager look good. Will start first week in February. Arthur Anderson will do a review after everything has been completed and give us an opinion on our Year 2000 readiness. ** Keep in mind that external auditors do look at Y2K as a threat -- could affect us in risk ratings. **

Fire (Brad Cole) Have a committee working on contingency plan. Going to do testing on the dispatch systemsInformation Services will do a mock type drill. Still working on EOC. GTE is preparing in the first week of February to do a 911 system check. Generators have been tested.

Police (Joanie Housewright) ** Nothing to report. ** (As I recall this is the usual thing for them -- maybe they were ready months ago before these meetings started. Although the man who sold me my wood burning stove, sold one to a police officer who lives here in town...when he queried her she pooh poohed the whole thing saying she 'eats out most of the time anyway'. -- shelia)

Fleet Services (Cary Tower) Have received responses from f of vendor compliant statements. Data reporting portion of our fuel system needs to be upgraded.

Economic Development (Mark Nelson) Will be dependent on Information Services. The airport will be dependent on Information Services. The machines belong to IS but not the software. As long as the machines are running the software will be okay. ** Fueling systems and having power is our main concern. **

Electric Utilities (Ray Wells) The 800 system thoroughly inventoried. Telephone interconnect not compliant--$1,000.00 for upgrade. Electric Production ** inventoried.** Tower on the battery - no generator necessary. The tank is not compliant supposed to be removed in the next couple of weeks. Meridian system will need GTE to come in and check the changes to make sure everything is Y2K compliant. Directly connected to directory at City Hall. Electric SCADA system will not be compliant until 6/30/99. The system should be shipped in a couple of weeks - will take 30 days to get going. Will be taking extra precautions and will have a full staff on the big day. Remember that Texas is not a part of the electric grid. If for some reason or another the grid goes down, it will not affect us. (Geez, Texas is its own grid! If it, as one of the regional grids, goes down lots of people will be affected... Shelia)

Purchasing (Denise Harpool) Need to have a Y2K compliant statement included with all bids. Relying on Information Services to keep the warehouse and purchase system working. Anything that the warehouse needs to keep extra should be requested. Can keep anything at anytime.

Facilities Management (Bruce Hennington) Nothing new. Will get information from Ray Wells on how long the City will be without power. (What?! we're going to be without power? - Shelia) If we could get natural gas through compressed shape, we will not need to rent $7,000.00 generators trucked in. All buildings are being tested for generator power.

Legal (Jerry Drake) Legal research on CD-ROM. Vendors for most part are saying they are Y2K compliant. The trend thus far, is that the defendants are winning over vendors. Dire emergency can get by on laptop and battery operated printer. City Manager's Office (Richard Foster) Relieved to see that we are done. Solid Waste (Elizabeth Roberts) Trash flow software has a few glitches that will be worked out with the vendor. Water Utilities (Michael Spradling) Primary procedures are compliant. Secondary procedures impact will be minimal. The Wastewater Plant will work without any interruptions. Equipment purchased in last five years are Y2K compliant. On 6/30/99 everything will be completed. Generator runs manually. Part of the contingency plan is to budget $20,000.00 for Y2K.

Next Meeting on February 23, 1999 in the Civil Defense Room at 8:00a.m.


-- Shelia (, February 16, 1999


Thanks for the "in" sight Shelia.


-- Diane J. Squire (, February 17, 1999.

The Wastewater Plant will work without any interruptions. Equipment purchased in last five years are Y2K compliant.

WHAT??? Equipment purchased in last five years are Y2K compliant. TAZ

-- TAZ (taz@no.yr), February 17, 1999.

WHAT??? Equipment purchased in last five years are Y2K compliant. TAZ

I had the same reaction to that comment...

Since the TX grid seems to be in such good shape and earlier meetings they talked about how they could disconnect and maintain power at the city level...and then they turned around and are trying to sell our electric utilities... can someone tell me why they need all those generators?

-- Shelia (, February 17, 1999.

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