I'm in print!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
OK - blowing my own trumpet here but just had to let everyone know that I, gobbles, have had two poems published by an independant publisher in Australia *blush*... Kinda a competition thing and comes out in a book... No big deal....but had to tell you *smile* No royalties either obviously...but we shall see... Hugs all
-- gobbles (gobbles2@hotmail.com), February 16, 1999
Thats great .. well done. *patting you on the back...jai..:)
-- (jaizee@excite.com), February 16, 1999.
*wild applause*That's wonderful! I'm so proud of you! Do we get to see? Are you going to post the poems?
-- Katya (Katya@hearts-ease.org), February 17, 1999.
that's wonderful news! *gentle hugs for my ferrett friend*
-- CatGem (catgem@wildmail.com), February 17, 1999.
Ummm...well the poems are on my page somewhere - it's been a while since I updated but I'm pretty sure they are there... Let me know if you want me to put them on here - I don't mind posting them. The titles are My Deceptions and Barriers.... my homepage is http://www.angelfire.com/hi/gobblespage Always HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
-- gobbles (gobbles2@hotmail.com), February 17, 1999.