Photo printing & slide services for digital images : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Good day!

I'm looking for recommendations of services that will provide prints or slides from high resl. digital images.

Thanks, Deena

-- Deena Gentle (, February 15, 1999


Prints are easy, slides a bit harder. Our advertiser ( has a service that makes prints from digital images. Signature Color in Austin, TX does the same, using a little different process ( For slides, you might try Imagers here in Atlanta (, or GP Color in Los Angeles (sorry, I don't have a web address for GP). All of the mentioned companies do high volumes of the services indicated, so should be good sources for you.

-- Dave Etchells (, February 21, 1999.

Hi Deena. Sorry for the delay but I just saw your question. I have used both Signature Color and SignatureColor prints are 2nd generation and had terrible color loss. They transfer the digital image to a negative then process the negatives just as if it'd come from a 35mm. PrintMyPicture generates 1st generation prints. They have a new machine that develops digital images directly using the same process as 35mm film. The prints look great and the prices are better than TruPhoto. The site is:

-- Brad Grant (, March 24, 1999.

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