New Stick recommendation...? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Hi. I'm just wondering, what do most of you people use joystickwise? I'm looking to get a new stick, and I'm open to suggestions. I'm using a Sidewinder now, and it's okay for most games, but any game that needs quick movements (i.e. Turbo Pacman clones and Nibbler) and it responds like crap. I think I could do a whole lot better with the right stick... Like I said, I'm open to suggestions.


Jeremy Petka

-- Jeremy Petka (, February 14, 1999


I would recommend you save your money until you can afford one of the sticks available built with real arcade components.

There is nothing like the feel of a real arcade joystick and buttons - as we found out when we built our own joystciks for the good old C=64 back in the early 80's. It knocked the socks off everything except my good old trusty Wico joystcik made with real arcade gold- leaf switch technology and didn't click like crazy like microswitched joysticks do.

The next best joystick I found used gold pads and gold contacts that rotated onto the pad when you moved the joystick. It was likewise brilliant for single joystick games until the gold pads wore out.

There is definitely something to be said for having a solid/heavy base unit on a dual joystick setup for games like robotron and black- widow. One of these days when money and time permit I'm going to get around to buying some arcade parts and destroying a keyboard to build me a decent controller.

Until then, I will be sticking with the keys like I do for all my recordings. ;-)

Cheers, BeeJay.

-- BeeJay (, February 14, 1999.

Go here. Orders have been put on hold for the time being. The core (box) of the joystick is being redesigned at the moment.

Steve Krogman

PS Designs for future joystix are in the making. They will include paddles (arkanoid, kickman, worlords, ect) and joysticks used for games like Tron and Solar Fox.

-- stephen krogman (, February 15, 1999.

Just wanted to add another bit of info to my last message. Once production starts back up again with my joystix, I will be carrying joystix made for Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat with the exact button layout as the arcade. Also, this way Barry Rodewald will finally be able to do his Dragon Punch with no problem! :)

Regards, Steve Krogman

-- stephen krogman (, February 15, 1999.

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