K2500 and Steinberg's Wavelab 2.0

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

I'd like to be able to use my K2500 in conjunction with Wavelab for the purpose of moving samples to and from the K2500, etc. I think the basic problem is that when I start up my PC when the K2500 is already running (necessarry for the PC to recognize the K2500, right?), Win98 insists on finding a driver for the device, which as far as I know doesn't exist. What the heck am I supposed to do to get this work. Any ideas?

-- Benjamin Israel (israelbenz@aol.com), February 13, 1999


There is no need to supply a driver for Win98. Ignore this dialog, press Cancel (7 times) What kind of SCSI card are you using? Have you checked SCSI termination? Specify exactly how your K2500 is connected to your computer.

-- Mike Martin (K25zone@aol.com), February 14, 1999.

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