Passenger Service To Roanoake,AL : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Does anyone know when passenger service from Layfette,AL to Roanoake,AL ended. I couldn't find evidence of a CofG station of any kind ever exsisting in the town. I did find where the CofG interchanged with the ACL. The interchange was at the ACL (formerly AB&A) depot. Is it possible that the two roads shared the station?

-- Richard Cole (, February 10, 1999


Richard, CofGa had a depot in Roanoke, Ala that was back up its line aways from the interchange. Depot was sheathed in corrogated iron at a later date as a number of other CofGa depots were. Depot lasted long after closing of line and was used as a carpet store with name like Carpet Barn or some such name. In fact last time I was in Roanoke (several years now) building was still there. Sorry, I can't help with last passenger train info.

-- Rick Perry (, February 14, 1999.

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