Duran Duran and other music VCDsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I wondered if anyone knows where I could find a copy of Duran Duran - Decade or Duran Duran - Greatest . Decade was released in the UK, but I think Greatest is an Asian only release. The cat number i have for Decade is (PMI; PMCD 724349144026). Any help is appreciated Thanks
-- Gary Kirk (Gary.Kirk@intl.pepsi.com), February 02, 1999
Try www.cdmovies.com for it.
-- Rutger Stevens (rutger_s@hotmail.com), February 02, 1999.
I have the Duran Vcd. I got mine from tower records in london before they stopped selling them. I may sell it to you for a reasonable offer.
-- Karl Beeden (K.J.BEEDEN@BTINTERNET.COM), February 20, 1999.
Try www.sasavcd.com I buy all my VCDs on this webstore. Thay have good selection of music VCDs. This is a Californian business.
-- Jose Luis Lara (jose127@hotmail.com), March 01, 1999.
could anyone tell me if there anu U2 or Oasis VCD's on the market ?
-- Habib (bojo46@hotmail.com), September 23, 1999.
Try http://www.videocds.com/music.htm
-- Matt (monstersm@hotmail.com), September 25, 1999.
hey, i'm really desperate in looking for the VCD of nirvana's mtv unplugged in new york. does anyone know where i could look it up? cause i've been looking all over, but no results...
-- lena (deadpinkpixies@yahoo.com), June 01, 2001.