What actually is digital imaging?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

What actually is digital imaging? What are the technigues involved? What Equipment is needed? What are he steps to producing a digitally imaged picture. Thanks. Yours Sincerely Carly Wheeldon

-- Wheeldon (carlywheeldon@hotmail.com), February 01, 1999


Carly, the term "digital imaging" can refer to either images that have been created in digital, ie; bits and bytes, format through the use of still or video cameras with electronic components to do that, or images that have been originally made with an analog still (film) or video (tape) cameras, or created by hand by drawing/painting/etc., and then digitized. Several quility levels of scanners are available to digitize still images from either negatives, hand made artwork, or photographic prints. Video capture boards that work with computers can digitize image data from video tape. Once image data is in digital form there are numerous applications available that enable the user to manipulate the images in just about any way imaginable. The techniques are too numerous to put here. There are many books available on the techniques. Usually these are aimed at users of specific applications.

-- Will Tait (will@nanospace.com), February 01, 1999.

The best general coverage of the whole field of digital imaging can be found on-line at www.shortcourses.com. Dennis Curtin has put together a tremendous resource of information, covering all aspects. (Lots of images though, so the pages load very slow - patience further

-- Dave Etchells (detchells@imaging-resource.com), February 01, 1999.

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