Fireplace vs Wood stove : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Moving from remote location to city due to physical problems. Home were having built has a fireplace with radiant heat air inlet. Have no idea how this type of heat source works. Currently have wood stove and have to open windows to cool off. Anyone know about this type of fireplace. We can have a wood stove put in but the house is 1/2 the size of what were in and I'm concerned I'll be wasting wood.

-- Grandma (, January 26, 1999


For starters, look close at the fireplace with the inlet and see if you can see a manufacturer. Try also at or similar sites on the Internet (I searched on fireplace + wood burning stove); this particular site will also take your questions.

Usually you size a wood stove to the size of the house; they're not all big clunkers, and some are made to heat 'cabin'-sized houses/structures. If you get a wood stove, you would probably be looking at more efficient heating, which would save you wood.

-- Karen Cook (, January 26, 1999.

New technologie in woodstoves would surprise you Grandma. Slow combustion wood stoves burn much less wood, and they're made in any size you need, up to 50,000 BTU's heat output. You can regulate the amount of radiated heat you need too.

Here's a good website where you can do some research about fireplaces and woodstoves. I bought a Vermont Casting fireplace insert and I'm really happy with it.

Vermon Casting homepage

-- Chris (, January 26, 1999.

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