Can I use a Coleman propane stove for an indoor heater? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Can I use a Coleman propane stove for an indoor heater? I plan on having a CO detector.

-- a (a@a.a), January 25, 1999


I don't think the Coleman stoves were intended for that purpose. Purchase a Kero-Sun kerosene heater. I have two of them and I heat a 12 x 12 foot room with one. I open an outside door when I first start it to let the fumes escape. You can find used one's at flea markets, etc.

-- bardou (, January 25, 1999.

a --- Unless you're deep south (and there I would agree with bardou, get simple, small kero heater and 100-200 gallons of clear, taxed kero), why not a small wood stove ($150 to $400) and lots of wood, at least for winter in your region? You do away with fuel availability issues (get wood in this spring). If you've already got propane and can afford it, get *real* propane heater. I have a 30K BTU heater that is awesome and efficient (about $350).

-- BigDog (, January 25, 1999.

I should have said "as an EMERGENCY indoor heater". I will be installing a wood stove after I purchase this property, but want to spend the weekend after closing. If electricity goes down, it may be pretty cold.

So I assume this is safe?

-- a (a@a.a), January 25, 1999.

a --- I don't see why not, but note that I am covered by special legislation against any lawsuits. It's called "being broke."

-- BigDog (, January 25, 1999.


Yes, you can use your camp stove indoors -- carefully. You need to position it near a ventilation source, i.e. partly open window (better if you use it outside). Store the propane in a cool safe place -- look at label for instructions. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby.

Ive successfully used my camping equipment indoors on several emergency occasions.


-- Diane J. Squire (, January 25, 1999.

I do not understand why people keep saying propane has to have good ventilation in order to use...rural america uses propane for heating and cooking in the same way we in the burbs use natural gas... Is there some difference in the kind of propane used for the Coleman stoves?

-- bewildered (, January 25, 1999.

propane is propane is propane ....

There are two types of heaters, those that need venting and them that don't. Lots of different regs in different states (most now sanction unvented). The newer unvented propane heaters are terrific and shut down automatically if they're sucking too much oxygen from environment.

In a's case, I agree with Diane.

-- BigDog (, January 25, 1999.

I'm not sure I would risk it, since both "Coleman Gas" (the kind of stuff you have in those quartsized cannisters and propane emit carbon monoxide when burning. Carbon monoxide is not just a gas that passively interferes with your body's oxygen metabolism--it is a poison that can turn your lights out (permanently) in only a minute or so. (I'm fairly certain that CO ties up hemoglobin irreversibly and binds it with much higher affinity than O2.)

If I were you I'd go for the wood stove or the Kero heater.

If you lack the fundage, in the very least buy a fire/CO detector. It will save your life.

-- jc (, January 25, 1999.

Any and i mean any stove or heater that does not completely burn the fuel it uses say wood -- natural gas -- propane -- liquid gas -- gasoline -- alcohol -- kerosene or anything you can name for fuel will create a deadly gas always be careful if you feel even a little strange turn it off and go outside or it may kill you but by the time you feel it it may be to late you will asleep for ever.

-- Bubba (, January 25, 1999.

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