HP Photo Smart Photo Paper dries out?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I've noticed that HP glossy paper comes sealed in a plastic reclosable envelope. Is it necessary to store my unused paper in the same envelope? Will it dry out (or obsorb moisture) if I leave it out of the package? Is there a 'shelf life' for this paper as in my old silver halide paper?

-- Bob Benson (benson@gbasin.net), January 25, 1999


Glossy inkjet paper invariably has some sort of a coating on it for the ink to cling to, and these are frequently some sort of a gelatin-based forumlation. Thus, they frequently are hygroscopic, and therefore are best kept sealed when not in use. I don't think there's the same kind of shelf-life issue as with photo paper though, as the issue there (I think) had more to do with the behavior of the light-sensitive layer. I (think) you can always restore the inkjet paper to reasonable usefulness by exposing it for some time to a not-too-wet, not-too-dry ambient. (But don't ask me what the best humidity lev

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), February 01, 1999.

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