nephew's school project : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Greeting to all of you. i hope you are well. i would like to ask some assistance from any of you who feel inclined to participate. My nephew is doing a travel journal for his 5th grade class in Merlin, Oregon. He sent a request to me for some information on different parts of the country, but the sheet also specifies different parts of the world. I thought it would be grand if we could help him get lots of information. If anyone is interested post the information he requested here. thank you all....

-- Desdra ( R.C. ) (, January 24, 1999


What sort of information does your nephew need?

Does he need state statistics, weather info., local slang, population info., or something else?

-- Laighe (, January 24, 1999.

project for nephew

ok... here is the information he needs: YOUR NAME ( if you prefer to use your nickname that is fine with me ) DATE: LOCATION: CLIMATE: LANDMARKS: INDUSTRIES: OTHER NEAT FACTS: he also needs a postcard sent to his school in Oregon: Kalin Wilson- Mrs Matt Manzanita Elementary 310 San Francisco Street Grants Pass, OR 97526 USA if you would be kind enough to send the local information to my e-mail address and the postcard to his school i would very much appreciate it. His due date for this project is 15 April.

-- Desdra (, January 25, 1999.

Cool Des...I'll do it...hehe. I'll send ya all the information you need about Texas.

-- gypsyflower (, January 26, 1999.

Wisconsin covered

K Des...i'll cover Wisconsin. to help out somebody else's kid. Want to trade your nephew for one of mine? LOL...just kidding (i think...hehe).

-- Medea.. (, January 26, 1999.

Throwing in MD and DC

Hey.....I got Maryland and DC covered here.....glad to help Desdra!!

-- SunflowerGirl1 (, January 26, 1999.

I got one!

I'll get yer info for MAAAAASSSSSSSSSACHUSETTS (hey now... it sounds just as good as OOOOOOOOOklahoma)

-- Lyra_Vega (butterfly8) (, January 29, 1999.

South-Eastern Australia

I can funish information about the city of Melbourne, and about the Ovens Valley and Alpine area 300 kilometres to the north-east of Melbourne

-- Tony Bignell (, January 30, 1999.

the project - New Hamspshire covered!

I'll do New Hampster! (Land of the "Live Free or Die")

-- editrix (, February 01, 1999.

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