How do I get photos from Nikon 900 software to PhotoDeluxe? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am new to digital cameras and have a Nikon Coolpix 900. My problem is that I am having trouble moving my pictures from the supplied Nikon 900 software (keeps it in a thumbnail view) into a software program that supports a JPEG format. I received Photo Deluxe with my package. My aim is to correct coloration and positioning of photos and then download into an online auction (EBAY). I also need to know how to save pictues on my hard drive. Please give basic answers because I am new to topic. Thanks.

-- Nancy Braverman (, January 22, 1999


It's been too long since I personally played with the Nikon software, but the images really shouldn't be coming out thumbnail size. Are you trying to do a "copy" operation on them from Explorer, or are you dragging them into your disk? (I'm recalling Nikon's software auto- mounting the camera on the desktop like a disk drive. You drag-and- drop them into a Windows Explorer window to copy them to the hard drive.) If you're actually copying the images themselves to your hard disk, they should be coming out at a few hundred Kbytes, and you should be able to just open the files from PhotoDeluxe.

-- Dave Etchells (, January 23, 1999.

Dave's right. Connect your camera to your PC and set it on 'Play'. If you've loaded Photo Deluxe correctly, you can go into Explorer and click on the little camera icon. A window will pop up and show you some frames representing the images on the cameras memory card. Follow the instructions to drag and drop the images into a sub directory on your hard drive. I named mine 'Digital Photos'. This way you can always locate them from your other software apps. Hope this helps.

-- Bob Benson (, January 25, 1999.

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