No power problem in Canada. : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

The Canadian Electricity Association (CAE) finds that:

" - Extensive testing conducted to date suggests that the rollover to theYear 2000 will create only a minimal impact on electric system operations in North America. - Computer errors found thus far do not appear likely to threaten electricity supplies to customers."


`Much has been said and written about electric utilities and Y2K, based upon anecdotal evidence and conjecture'' said Hans Konow, President of CEA, ``This series of studies provides the only comprehensive review of the industry based upon facts rather than opinion''

Mr. Konow does sound a little full of himself, but if CAE conclusions hold true, Canadians need not worry about freezing in the dark.


-- Anonymous, January 22, 1999


David, Canada is hooked into the United States Power Grid. If our grid fails even if Canada is 100% compliant (Yeah Right) so goes Canada. Steve

-- Anonymous, January 22, 1999

Steve......We'll just island our utilities. Perhaps you could all just stay with us for a while.


-- Anonymous, January 22, 1999


Have the actual "studies" (not just the press release announcing them) been posted on the web anywhere?

-- Anonymous, January 22, 1999

Peter......I don't know if the study is available to the public and won't have a chance to search until early next week (busy weekend!).


-- Anonymous, January 22, 1999

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