VCD Wholesale and : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hello, Im looking to Import VCD Players and movies to israel. Im looking for big supliers of hrdware and software. I saw your faq page, and thought you could direct me to big dealers wether in the US or in the Fareast/china.any help would be apprieciated. Im looing for aLL brand of players and US movie titles.
thanks, david hauser
-- judah Hauser (, January 21, 1999
WWW.MAXPAGES.COM/MOVIEMASTER/HOME is very good for whole sale. You have to buy at least 15 but they have all the latest tittles and trade reductions
-- Jonathan Dale (, January 25, 1999.
-- Videoman (, May 06, 1999.
Hello,We have a great selection on VCD. We can sell at whole sales price for order of 25 or above. Contact us for details. Serious enquiry only.
-- Absmusic (, July 26, 1999.