governance team minutes : LUSENET : MEd Cohort III : One Thread

Cohort III Governance Team 3rd Meeting Jan 7,1999

Meeting was convened at Bixbys at 4:10pm. Members present were: Tom Boman, Karen Keenan, John Bergum, Cindy Claviter, Sue Janson, and Heidi Mlynarczyk.

Karen appointed John to act as recording secretary(thanks KK!-Remember, no good dead goes unpunished!)

Tom presented first agenda item: How should papers be presented/completed and turned in. A lengthy discussion followed with ideas from all members contributed. Some of the problem areas were: People having trouble accessing the cohort web page and entering their articles, confusion as to lengths required and when submissions are actually due. Outcome: 1. All submissions of more than two paragraphs should be turned in as hard copy at the class meeting. 2. UTNE Reader articles should be no more than two paragraphs- Ditto responses to same. Therefore they will be submitted electronically. 3. Longer articles such as the Assessment assigned by our English department assistants will be submitted in hard copy. OPTIONAL: If you want a response to a long article you may post a 1-2 paragraph summary on the discussion site. 4. We will produce(Possibly with Scotts aid) a no-brainer set of instructions for accessing the UMD Home page, Cohort discussion site, and E-mail from our home computers, and from UMD. The group agreed this should be done soon but no specific responsibility was assigned. Following is an example of how submissions should be made for different requirements: 2-UTNE Reader articles and responses- Electronically 1-Other professional journals-Electronically 1- Glasser-Optional 1-Assessment for English Dept. assistance-Hard Copy** 2-Glasser responses-Electronically **It was suggested by Karen and agreed to by rest of team that the self assessment that everyone wrote for their portfolios could be used for this submission.

Next agenda item: Karen brought up the problems some people have been having with the syllabus. Tom explained that one of the major areas was that so many cooks were trying to stir the soup, and this leads to many additions that end up being unworkable. After some discussion it was generally agreed that this problem of changes may just be in the nature of the beast. However, all agreed that clarification of the schedule was one of the jobs of the Governance team. Outcome: At Johns suggestion, Tom agreed that a hard copy of the worked-over syllabus could be provided to the Cohort after each Governance Team meeting. Next agenda item: Karen and Tom brought up actual scheduling issues so they could be clarified by the team. End of contract submissions are to be due by Jan 27,99 for members who have A or B contracts. Heidi brought up the thought that some districts may not honor anything less than a B. Karen suggested that this should be mentioned at the next cohort meeting on the 13th. Al agreed that each member should check out their district to be sure that their personal contract will meet their districts requirements. Heidi also stated that several members had requested that the Cohort be given more research time on Wednesdays. This resulted in several changes to the schedule, as well as some other conflicts which the team resolved. Outcome: A syllabus with the agreed on changes will be distributed to Cohort members at the Jan 13 meeting. Partial list of change issues: Great books jigsaw- moved to 3-10 & 3-17 Research time: 1st half on 1/20 All research teams to have question fine-tuned by 1/20 so list can be given to Martha in Library for help with key words for Eric searches. Next agenda item: Tom brought up food shortages. John explained that Subway is $10/foot and we would need at least 3-4 more feet thus exceeding our $80 budget by $40. Outcome: It was decided that we would investigate other sources. John agreed to call some other suppliers and see what we can get for our money(Guess I should have taken Seal training with our governor-I would have learned-never volunteer!)

Date for next meeting of the Governance team was set as Feb 4,1999. Meeting was adjourned at 5:23pm.

Respectfully submitted by

John Bergum Acting recording secretary

-- Anonymous, January 18, 1999


Minutes of Cohort III Governance Team Meeting - Feb. 4, 1999 - 4:00 p.m.-Bixby's

Members present: Mary J. Menzel, Barb Olson, Tom Boman, Karen Keenan, John Bergum, Terry Anderson, Sue Janson (Cindy Claviter was at school conferences.)

Discussion of the concern for one written schedule and syllabus with due dates was held again. A "calendar" schedule will be worked on and distributed to class members as well as posted on the web page. Terry Anderson suggested that by March, each small group should have a "page" set up whereby each member of the group can easily communicate with the others on the Internet regarding their thesis. Cohort III will not meet in a "formal" way during the summer '99. The time can be used to "catch up" if deadlines have not been met on thesis progress.

The following are upcoming dates and what will be happening on each: 2/10 - Attend "Toxic Child", Spring registration forms available (registration due by March 3rd.), review changes in schedule and "due date" sheet. 2/17 - No "Toxic Child", Meet in Mont. 209 - computer lab. First = of class used for groups to work on question & hypothesis. Second = of class time to be used by groups for research. Rick Lyle and Glen Tracey will facilitate. Before Cohort III leaves, each group must post their research question to Mary Jean. Sub sandwiches for supper! 2/24 - No changes. "Toxic Child" as planned. 3/3 - Attend the last "Toxic Child" session! 3 /4 - Governance Team Meeting - 4:00 - Bixby's 3/10 - First = to Mont. 209 - computer lab & also review Governance Team minutes. Second = meet with Martha in the library for research. 3/17 - This evening will be devoted to the "Great Books". First half will be the "expert" group, and the second half will be the "jigsaw" discussion. Pizza for supper! 3/19 - Position paper done by each research group due to Kate and Karin. 3/24 - ITV for the Range students! Panel of superintendents. Mary Jean will give them our group research questions and they will comment on them from 4:45 - 6:30. 6:30 - 7:00 dinner. 7:00 - 8:20 discussion with research groups. 3/31 - Research all night. Dr's. Kate and Karin will come in and discuss with us.

Other comments: - Kate and Karin will grade for our benefit and NOT our transcript! They will give us "satisfactory" or "rewrite", but no letter grade. - There should have been enough "APA" books for one for each research group. Did some groups take two? Some groups do not have one! -Tip: go into the Cohort III page and click on "resources". -Discussion topics: We do not have to write a paper on the "great book" we read. That will be incorporated into the end of term paper we write. This end of the term paper will include our thoughts on all of the "Toxic Child" sessions as well. (there will not be a separate "journal" required.) -Some classmates have requested the option to use a different journal, other than the UTNE Reader, from which to choose an article for review. Talk with Tom Boman to get suggestions for an alternate journal.

Next Governance Team Meeting will be on Thursday, March 4, 1999 at 4:00 - Bixby's.

Respectfully submitted by Sue Janson

-- Anonymous, February 08, 1999

Governance Team Meeting - March 4, 1999

Present: Terry Anderson Tom Bohman Mary Jean Menzel Sue Janson Barb Olson Cindy Claviter John Bergum

Reminder to all who have not completed their A or B project. All projects are due by March 10, 1999.

Discussion: Now that the Toxic Child series is done, we will have more time for group work.

Concerns about the Kate and Karin assignments:

Assignments should be posted on the Web (or if youd rather, send them a hard copy). They WILL give feedback. Keep in mind that they are a resource not a threat. Terry suggested that we have a discussion area specifically for questions to Kate and Karin on the Web discussion page. A suggestion was also made to be more aggressive about asking questions instead of getting frustrated about concerns or confusion.

Kate and Karin will be visiting our group on March 17 to answer questions regarding the position paper. They will address the group before we begin our great books discussion.

NOTICE: March 31, 1999 class has been cancelled due to so many of our members being on spring break and possibly out of town that week. ENJOY! Those of you who are not going out of town -- it would be a great opportunity for your group to get some work done.

ATTENTION STUDENT FACILITATORS: Be sure that when you sign for the pizza from the PIZZA GUY that you tip them $5.00. (Just write the tip in on the bill)

We are going to work on putting together the pictures of all of the cohort members as a hard copy handout, so that we can more easily learn everyones name and thesis topic. The digital camera photos would not transfer onto our personal web sites.

Terry is working on having a form for our Program Plan with all that we have already done as well all that is left for next year. All we will have to fill in is our additional 12 credits. This form will make our paperwork much easier. YEAAAA!

NOTICE: There will be a 3% tuition increase after August, 1999 when UMD goes to semesters. A suggestion was made that we all register and pay for all 6 research credits required this summer. We could split them between this summer and next academic year (or summer), but Tom needs to check to find out if there are any problems with quarter/semester credits.

Tom and Karen have grades ready. If your last name begins with A-L see Tom; if your last name begins with M-Z see Karen.

Videos for the Toxic Child are in the library. Ask for the Toxic Child by date. There should be 2 tapes for each night, and they are on a 3-day loan).

Reminder: Keep updating your portfolio. Suggestion: add a few new tabs and label them Toxic Child, Reflection questions, etc.

Please be sure to check updates to the syllabus on the web. The assignments and due dates are there -- you just have to look for them.

Respectfully submitted, Barb Olson

-- Anonymous, March 09, 1999

Cohort 3 Governance Team Meeting Thurs., April 8, 1999 Bixby's

Members present: Karen Keenan, Mary Jean Menzel, Barb Olson, Sue Janson

The following are topics discussed which the Cohort group brought up on Wed. night during class:

-Schedule for next year (different day of the week)? -No. M.J. Menzel has already booked ITV for next year on Wed. evenings, same time.

-Program planning sheet-when will we get it? -Not ready yet, maybe next Wed. for class.

-List of assignments for the rest of this school year? -One of M.J.'s teacher assistants (?) tried to compile one and they gave up!! Mary Jean will now work on it.

-Summer registration due? -June 14, 1999.

-Summer Session registration for the 6 credits of research? -Can register for them in several different ways/combinations. Will be discussed and presented during next Wed. class time (at the beginning of class). 3 qtr. Credits = 2 semester credits.

-Who will be our advisor when groups have variety of last names? -When 10 page research proposal papers are turned in (in May), Tom B. and Karen K. will divide the groups. In order to save on the number of meetings needed this summer, it may be a good idea to invite both the "group advisor" and Kate or Karin at the same time.

-Status of the next UTNE? -Terry Anderson has not ordered them yet and it usually takes about a month to get them once ordered. The UTNE assigned for May will be changed to: Read an article from Phi Delta Kappan. There are several copies of this journal in the reference area in the UMD library, if you haven't already found them!!

-Other bits of info:

-Next year, one MEd sem. Credit will cost $220. -There is a paper about Multiple Intelligence's on the Web page. -Wed., April 14 - We will spend the entire evening (except for dinner time) in our small groups, working on the 10 page research proposal paper. -Wed., April 21 - We will spend the second half of the evening in our small groups working on the 10 page research proposal paper. -Wed., May 19 - We will do a group evaluation of the Cohort program with Carol Bacig and Kay Bakke. -May 28th - the all-encompassing 3-page paper is due. -Next year, each of us (individually or in our small group) are required to do a 2-4 hour presentation on a topic of our choice.

Next Governance Team meeting: Thurs., May 6th, at 4:00 p.m., Bixby's

-- Anonymous, April 09, 1999

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