Couplers for Atlas GP7 : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I bought an HO Atlas Classic COG GP7 and would like to convert to KD couplers. Request any recommendations, helpful hints and lessons learned that will help in this conversion. This COG GP7 is a great looking model.

-- Richard Rawls (, January 18, 1999


Richard, I used a #5 coupler box by trimming the ears off the sides and inserting it through the pilot. When the engine is on the track the spring should be on top of the coupler. I used the origional pin to hold it in place. You can use a #5 coupler as well or by trimming the box opening even with the spring you can use a #33 which has a shorter shank. This seems to look more prototipical and works great. I hope this helps. Mike

-- Mike Smith (, January 24, 1999.

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