Are these stories accurate? : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

Dear Rick: May I have your opinion about the news stories that are on your website today. Everyone seems to think that y2k in the electrical utilities is no big deal. What's your take on this? Am I crazy to think this is going to be a big problem? Is this just a big coverup by the utilities to allay fears? I'm so confused!!!! DG

-- Anonymous, January 15, 1999



Rick is presently on the road, so you'll have to wait for his response.

In the mean time, consider that not "Everyone seems to think that y2k in the electrical utilities is no big deal."

Have you read the thread at: msg.tcl?msg_id=000O8b?

Specifically, which news story do you question?


-- Anonymous, January 15, 1999

c, i tried to get into the url's you posted and received the following:

File not found

We moved this server from Primehost (AOL) and the Illustra RDBMS to MIT and the Oracle8 RDBMS on August 17, 1998. Please send us some email explaining how you got to this page (i.e., exactly what you were trying to do).

i am interested in reading these threads also.

you know, i really can't blame the people for not knowing what to believe. i am a rather 'dedicated' preparer and i know full well how the 'spin doctors' work their magic, but the enormity of it all and the way everythig 'out there' seems like 'same old, same old' i just sit back and think "am i nuts, am i overreacting, how can this be? can i be right and all those people be wrong?"

even though i am actively proposing and pushing for community involvement and planning...i sometimes start to second guess myself.

this can be so depressing...m

-- Anonymous, January 15, 1999

My guess is that your packet went through a router whose database had not been updated to reflect the change of the URL's IP address.

I've sent email to the folks that better understand what's going on under the hood.

Try it again to see what happens. The packet might go a different way.


-- Anonymous, January 15, 1999

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