Civil strife? Not a chance with mind control tech. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Magnetic field, microwave and radio frequency beam weapons have been designed, built, and tested for many years now--often on unsuspecting subjects. Each new generation of devices is capable of rendering effects of increasingly dazzling specificity.

What this boils down to, in plain English, is that the Powers that Be will be able to control large crowds of people by simply pointing non-lethal energy weapons at them. Certain frequencies at certain amplitudes can induce disorientation, nausea, and sleepiness. Others can trigger massive visual and auditory hallucinations. Some can literally imprint the sound of a human voice into the brain as if by "telepathy." Some can induce feelings of peace and calm. When the ball drops and it turns into '00, you get bet that all of these psychoweapons will be cranked up to "11" and ready to rock and roll.

You won't hear much about this. That is because it is largely classfified. Not only could this kind of stuff make deaf people hear again, but it could enable us to communicate in currently unfathomable ways and revolutionize our notions of consciousness and individuality. But this is instead being used by a select few in order to keep the peace.

You also won't hear about the subtle manipulation of the news media and television entertainment by intelligence agencies. They are infecting subliminal memes into your mind ("stay calm, the service economy is good for you, trust your commander in chief") just like a computer trojan horse slips onto your hard drive. When these memes "decompress" in the form of lone thoughts, private dreams, and vague-difficult-to-verbalize-sentiments, their net effect is to make you feel apathetic, passive, and conformist.

Now. At the count of three, you will wake up and forget you ever heard this...1,2,3...

-- Harrison Bergeron (, January 15, 1999


Look Harrison, the Max Headroom retrospective on cable may have put you in an odd frame of mind (and certainly we have enough odd frames of mind around here anyway), but if that stuff ever actually worked why hasn't it been used before now?

It seems that every time someone on the shortwave wants to ratchet up the tension a couple of notches they start talking about 'mind control' techniques. Funny how those same shortwave types never explain why such techniques have never been successfully used on a large scale. Here's a hint: all such techniques must be targetted to specific individuals. Here's another hint: all such techniques for which research has been published eventually result in brain damage over time.

sorry Harrison, but crowd control via telepathy just ain't in the equation...


-- Arlin H. Adams (, January 15, 1999.


I think it's time to issue a troll alert. The guy is trying to make this forum look as if it's populated by wackos and extremists. Read between the lines and you'll be able to see he had fun putting that post together.

-- Kevin (, January 15, 1999.

no Kevin, I think Harrison is sincere about this. Mind control tech is a reality, there's plenty of open source info on the topic, detailing USgov research going back to the 50's. As for this being a worked post designed to make the forum look wacko, look at many of the other things that have been appropriately and rationally discussed here...God, space aliens, NWO, know your customer, possible famine in the first world, Fed conspiracies, torah code, etc... Discussion of any of these topics would set off many people's wacko detectors, but they are really all legitimate topics of discussion, if perhaps a little tangential to y2k. Anyone who is a hardcore researcher operates a large "grey basket" in which they file the amazing, or the as yet unsubstantiated, or interesting leads, or big maybes. If you have an instant filter against "amazing" information, then, well, you'll probably miss out on much of the information that has the greatest consquences.

As ffor widespread deployment of mind-control tech..? A big maybe.

-- humptydumpty (, January 15, 1999.


You said, "Anyone who is a hardcore researcher operates a large "gray basket" in which they file the amazing, or the as yet unsubstantiated, or interesting leads, or big maybes."

Agreed! You have described me and my philosophy to a T. I call it filing away "interesting" information for future reference.

This isn't a case of me having having "an instant filter against amazing information." It's me being open-minded enough to know that this is just as likely a case of disinformation as it is the real thing.

Heck, if the government does have this, then they shouldn't wait till January 1, 2000 to turn it on. They should turn it on in July 1999 so the stock market won't crash! :-)

-- Kevin (, January 15, 1999.

We absolutely must be on the alert for wackos and extremists. Humptydumpty, you may not recall that extremist radical George Francis Train who believed in such ridiculous ideas and heresies as the 8 hour day, paper money, machines that would fly through the air, and the most absurd idea of all, woman suffrage!

-- gilda jessie (, January 15, 1999.

There are people who sincerely believe that the government can beam thoughts into their heads. Or Aliens. Or Commies. Or God. Or Kidney beans.

They are called schizophrenic. They have a serious medical problem and need help and sympathy.

-- Nigel Arnot (, January 15, 1999.

Thank you, Agent Mulder. Say "hi" to Sculley for me.

-- a big fan (, January 15, 1999.

Gooooooooooood morning folks!!!

Look at this guys name and email address. He's just being a verrrry silly boy.

Harrison Bergeron is the main character in a 'futuristic' Kurt Vonnegut book/movie. The story is about a futuristic society where the masses thought are controlled by the state. The people are forced to wear a special type of headphone which stops them from thinking independently and causes them to live in a state on blissful ignorance.

-- Craig (, January 15, 1999.

Thank you for all of your comments. Yes, I was indeed trolling. Forgive me. I just wanted my 15 minutes of fame. Guilty as charged. Poor old pathetic me.

To be quite honest, I was exaggerating. Nevertheless, this sort of technology probably does exist in one form or another...thus my question is How Far Advanced Is It? and How Widespread Is It?

I seriously doubt that it's very widespread since such science fiction probably requires massive amounts of electric power and is not easily concealable. But who knows? What about the future? Is it not possible to insidiously gravitate toward such totalitarianism? How would be able to tell if we were? Admittedly, this is not the forum to discuss this, so I'll hang up and lurk.

Another, more germane question is whether or not the media is being manipulated to spread memes that make us more passive and suggestible. That is possible. It is called propaganda. But what if the art of propaganda has now become a science (in the literal sense of the word), fine tuned to interact with our psychology at many different levels? Is this done? Can it be done?

-- Harrison Bergeron (, January 15, 1999.


a. my initial response really was serious - remember most of the hard research was done in the old Soviet Union where it was perfectly acceptable to fry someone's brain if they were an enemy of the state. What they were doing was seeking to find means of artificially inducing specific brain defects in people - those defects having been documented to have certain general effects on peoples perceptions of the world around them...including in some instances 'hearing voices'... The important things to remember are that it requires electromagnetic energy focussed on a very specific portion of an individual's brain. In other words it has to be done one person at a time...and it ALWAYS leads to insanity and/or death.

If you want a real giggle, check out the history of the chemical warfare agent BZ (otherwise known as aerosol delivered LSD - no kidding!).

b. In answer to your question about the media - yes, of course - I thought that was obvious. See also a book on subliminal advertising written about 25 years ago titled SUBLIMINAL SEDUCTION.


-- Arlin H. Adams (, January 15, 1999.

Way to go Harrison...thanks to you, I wasted a precious hour of my time making a new, five layer , aluminium, propeller beanie!


-- c (c@c.c), January 15, 1999.

Why discuss something, much less call someone's sanity into question, before you've researched the topic? 3712485-9075846

Are we not men?


-- E. Coli (, January 15, 1999.

Folks, got someone who live in the woods, down the road who believes the same thing. I just smile and move along. ww


Excellent proof that this mind control technology is possible is provided by the recent event in Japan a few years ago. Hundreds of children were taken to hospital emergency rooms after watching a cartoon. The pulsaing images on TV induced nausea and dizziness. No doubt this can be reproduced with sufficient research into the optimum settings for maximum effect on target populations.

-- Joe O (, January 15, 1999.

Joe, it's called 'photic stimulation' and it is well known to induce seizures in susceptible individuals. That's all there is to it. A very long way from 'mind control'.

-- Ned (, January 15, 1999.

Drats!! c beat me to the post with the old tin-foil hat joke. But like my man E Coli says, don't blow off a topic until you've done at least a little research on it. How many people have we all seen have a knee-jerk reaction to y2k because it sounds too far out to be true?

-- humptydumpty (briancohen@peoples', January 18, 1999.

Well, as for me, to keep sane in a seemingly unsane forum (and world), I just keep reminding myself how inneficient the government is. Come Y2K, if they can muster any semblance of organization to control themselves at all, that'll be spooky enough.

-- Chris (, January 18, 1999.


I'd forgotten about those Japanese children! Never did hear the final explanation of what caused their reactions.....

Which brings me to another story I never heard the ending to...

A few years ago a woman was brought to the ER and something about her blood made all the Doctors and ER Staff sick. Anyone else remember this? Anyone have the rest of the story??


-- Sheila (, January 18, 1999.


From what I can understand, the incident you refer to involves a poor, migrant worker woman who suffered from late-stage ovarian cancer. She was in excruciating pain, and was given some sort of cytotoxic chemotherapy by her doctors in the hopes of buying her a few more weeks/months of life.

This poor woman also used a folk medicine that contained dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), a very potent reducing agent that is absorbed into the blood through the skin. The DMSO in her folk analgesic interacted with her prescribed meds, causing a buildup of some very toxic gases in her internal cavities.

When she was admitted into the ER, they did exploratory surgery. The gases were released and she died instantly. Also the ER staff was reeling from the horrendous ammonia-like odor, some of them quite ill.

It just goes to show ya that many of these so-called homepathic and herbal remedies can be quite dangerous if they mix with conventional med. It also goes to show you that much of oncology is still based on the idea that one must poison the patient to near death's door in order to eradicate or slow the cancer. Apparently this medical mystery had stumped the forensic pathologists for many months before they figured it out.

-- Harrison Bergeron (, January 18, 1999.

For what it's worth...

-- Casual Observer (who@goes.there), January 19, 1999.

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