Still Frames and Menus in VCD Creation : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am using Adaptec's CD Creator Deluxe and Xing's MpegEncoder to make VideoCDs. I noticed in the CD Creator it makes reference to an NTSC "Still" format, I believe 704x408, how do I create something in the format? Xing doesn't seem to support this? Also, would this be something I can use to make a VideoCD menu?

-- Eric J. Katowitz (, January 14, 1999


You cannot create menus, by just still pictures. To make menus so that the video cd can run interactively, you should have a authoring software, e.g., Videopack, which supports menus. The softwares mentioned by you do not support interactive menus.

Ashok Lalwani

-- Ashok Lalwani (, January 26, 1999.

Not true, I just made a menu-driven VCD with Easy CD Creator Deluxe 3.0 last night.


-- Kevin (, July 19, 1999.

Well Kevin how about ansering the question... HOW!!

-- IY (, December 25, 1999.

IY, I wonder if Kevin is still reading this thread. His last reply was July 1999? The original question was in January 1999.

-- Rusman Priyana (, December 27, 1999.

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