Minox 811 film processing labs

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

If I don't process myself, where can I get Minox 811 film processing service ?

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 12, 1999





Crown Photo Limited

#213 2nd Floor

The Galleria

9 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong

Tel 2524 5039

Print in 3R size (3 1/2 x 5", 9 x 13 cm) about HK$3.00 per print


Australia Minox Photo Service

Phone 07 3366 4495; 07 3366 7877

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 12, 1999.

In France, some years ago the Official processing service was Fuji Film France. Good quality for color but very bad for black and white. I have a better quality at home, even the first time. ;-)

Now, since Minox is owned by Leica, I don't know. I will try the MinoxLab in the USA.

-- Daniel Leygnat (daniel.leygnat@fns.asso.fr), January 22, 1999.

It is interesting to know that Fuji France was handling the processing of Minox film. Fuji Film actually has quite a close tie with Minox subminiature,as Fuji is making and distributing a MX007 spy camera in Japan, which takes Minox cassette film. But unfortunately, MX007 camera is not sold elsewhere. Fuji also suplies Minox with new film for Minopro 100.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 23, 1999.

I use Minox Labs and think they do just fine. I live in California, and they often get things to me in less than a week round trip.


-- Jon Callas (jon@callas.org), June 27, 1999.

In Japan, Fuji Film Co processes Minox 8x11 film and prints 3R size print using digital printing technique. Turn around time is about 5 days.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), November 17, 1999.

Paarz Laboratory in Goettingen, Germany does Minox processing.



Postfach 3029

D 37020 Goettingen Germany

Phone 49 551 21077

Fax 49 551 23380

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), February 08, 2000.

I found a non Minox processing facility in Netherlands. In Europe, it is where I live. Its address is also on the www.minox-web.de site.

It is a collectors photoshop owned by a minox collector/expert.

Prices are very attractive. Also from USA I think with the current (16th feb 2000) dollar exchange rate. They have many customers from Holland, Belgium, France and Germany and are accustomed to orders from outside the country. Postal service in Holland is excellent.

Zwart Wit Fotografica Hommers Axelsestraat 1 4543 CD Zaamslag Netherlands +31 - 115 43 22 84

-- Andre Hagers (ahagers@hbg.nl), February 16, 2000.

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