IT'S HERE; WEBSITE OF YEAR 99 FAILURES : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


THIS website lists year 99 failures and caterogrizes them by industry, business etc. THIS is the info to help keep you 5 steps ahead in the y2k game , when stuff gets tight, supplies, money, banks decide to close the boom on you you won't be caught you be ahead


-- sean (, January 12, 1999


Thanks, boy it is pretty sparse so far. You'd think they'd at least have the Senate glitch under their "Federal" category. I wonder how such a list would look for regular software bugs that have been happening for 35 years...

-- Blue Himalayan (bh@k2.y), January 12, 1999.

Glad to have the site. It would be nice however, it it had been set up a bit better. That hard-to-take blue background, hyperlink colours that are hard to see, overuse of hard-to-read italics, extremely small fonts used in the tables etc.

I know ......... it's free.

Reminds me though of a line from a song I heard many years ago that said "What do you want for nothing, a rubber biscuit".

With so many sites out there vying for attention, it will not help its cause by being poorly designed.

-- Craig (, January 12, 1999.

Here's another site that keeps track of '99 glitches. u/y2k/sighting.htm Year 2000 Problem Sightings

-- Chris (, January 12, 1999.

Yeah, some of these people putting up web sites have fallen in lowve with all sorts of "too cool" color combinations -- "cool" but useless/unreadable. You can improve things by setting up your browser options to use your (standard) color combinations. This works for background, text, hyperlinks, etc. Unfortunately, not for tables.

-- vbprog (, January 12, 1999.

According to this article, we'll see more:

Y2K Bug Will Begin With A Whimper, Not A Bang

By Andrew Hay
NEW YORK - If the dreaded Year 2000 computer bug has the power to choke computer systems and wreak havoc, it will slowly show it means business in the weeks and months ahead, experts say.

Multiple Small Errors
As computers and machines grapple with more and more dates that spill into the year 2000, the experts say problems could appear through multiple small errors that -- when combined -- could cause failures.

One symptom of widespread failure would be a slow, subtle slowdown in companies and organizations, Bob Cohen, an analyst with the Information Technology Association of America said.

"If it's going to happen, we're probably in the zone right now," Cohen said.

But so far, there are no signs of such failures, he said. Fears that the millennium bug would bring computer chaos in the first weeks of 1999 are so far mostly unfounded -- an outcome that has raised existing optimism that systems will handle the Year 2000 date change without major disruptions.

Signs of future problems have already appeared scattered across the globe:

* In Hong Kong, the Marine Department's computer information system, which tracks vessels in and out of the city's harbor, crashed on Dec. 31, according to the South China Morning Post.

* The millennium bug hit police offices at airports in Sweden that issue temporary passports, Australia's Sunday Telegraph reported.

* In Singapore, computerized meters on about 300 taxis went dead at noon on Jan. 1 for about two hours, London's Sunday Times reported.

There are other dates in 1999 that could also trigger computer problems:

*As in the case of the Swedish passport offices, glitches may also crop up with the number "99." Their computers malfunctioned at the stroke of midnight on Dec. 31. The malfunction occurred as computers failed to read the date "1999" and instead read it as "99," a code to mean "end of run" or "end of file" in some programs.

* The date Sept. 9, 1999 could fool many computer programs into thinking the date is an entry of 9999 -- shorthand for end of file or date unknown. The date could see data deleted or programs crashing.

* The rollover to "0" this summer on the calendars used in satellites which form the Global Positioning System (GPS) could cause problems. Receivers of GPS information might not be able to correlate geographical location and time correctly as of August, and industries, military systems and others using them could be disrupted. ...

A recent survey by research company Cap Gemini America shows a majority of the United State's largest corporations have already experienced Year 2000-related failures and nearly all expect more in 1999.

"You'll see for the first time some highly visible failures that companies are not able to keep quiet," said Steven Hock, chief executive of research firm Triaxsys Research LLC.

What remains to be seen is if these failures can create a cascade of errors that together could shut down systems.

While Cohen is upbeat this will not occur, he says the ultimate test for most computers will be their ability to recognize the new year when it rolls round 51 weeks from now.

"The proof will be in the pudding, and the pudding date will be the Jan. 1 weekend."
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-- Leska (, January 12, 1999.

I just found another great site on y2k alerts, glitches, preparation.

-- Linda (, January 14, 1999.

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