blast from the past : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

hey guys, been reminiscing about you all and wanted to send a little message so you know I'm thinking about you! *HUGGGSSSSSS* those who remember me, drop me a line and let me know how you're doing!

Still a loving sistah even though I can't be here much, Chipper

-- Chipgirl (, January 12, 1999


hey chipper!

heyah, chipper! Good to see your phosphers, old thing. :-) How have you been?

-- editrix (, January 14, 1999.

Miss you chipper

Hiya Chip,

Haven't seen or heard from you in ages!! How have you been hunny? Hope its all going well for you there.

Hope to catch up with you soon.

Venus xox

-- Venus. (, January 17, 1999.

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