Finding stud for queen unregistered but with pedigree : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

We have pedigree from cattery we bought her from, with promise to validate them (somehow) if we neutered her - which we didn't. Any advice on finding her a Maine Coon stud?

-- Anonymous, January 10, 1999


If you agreed to have her neutered then you should not be breeding her. The breeder might have a good reason to ask to have her spayed. I would not allow a mating with an unregistered female.

-- Anonymous, February 19, 1999

You must have bought a mainecoon pet and your purchasing agreement should state that you fix your cat, before you get your registration. The objective of breeding a pedigree cat,should be to breed the best ,as proven in the show ring and by properly searching a longer pedigree.Maybe you should show your cat and then decide if this is really what you want, for this you need your registration. Showing can be fun, but it does cost $$

-- Anonymous, May 08, 1999

If you agreed to have your girl neutered, then do so. The breeder that you bought her from obviously does not feel she should be bred. Not every Maine Coons' quality is good enough for breeding. Also, breeder quality Maine's cost approximately twice as much as a pet quality. If you do not have registration papers,any litters you have will not be registerable. Why do you want to breed her, anyway? If you think that this is a good way to make some extra money,believe me, it's not. Breeding (good breeding practice)correctly costs money any way you look at it. There is also alot of time and energy spent,both physical and emotional.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 1999

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