List Upcoming Birthdays here! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hey you guys .... if you know of any upcoming birthdays (your own included!), please start listing them here! I still check my "answering machine," but I thought we might get more cards done if people put the requests up here, too.

I know of _Cheyanne, Washngo, and Joyous Guarde in the next few weeks and months. Anybody else?

Remember, you can ask for any type of card, too, not just birthday!

(yeah, not as much a surprise if you list the dates here ... but you never know what I'm going to put on the card .. now that could be a surprise! heeeeeeee!)

-- editrix (, January 09, 1999


another January bday

The 19th is Studmuffin's birthday. Just an fyi. Wouldn't want him pouting in the corner all day. *wink*

-- Cardialgia (, January 10, 1999.


hmmmf! don't mind me....*grin*

-- Fling (, January 10, 1999.


Fling .... so .... does this mean january is yer month, me boyo? :-)

-- editrix (, January 10, 1999.


i was just wondering if Fling would still be able to say anything if someone removed the letters h... m... and f... from his keyboard? just curious.... lol

-- desdra (, January 16, 1999.



-- Wiley Post (, February 05, 1999.

Well you did ask for it Editrix *smile* 9 January Katya (I'm late - sorry) 25 January - jazzraptor 31 January - bugg_girl and that's all for Jan...I'll list Feb then *smile*

-- gobbles (, January 10, 1999.


heheee... looks like we have a walking calendar here. good job gobbles... lol

-- desdra (, January 17, 1999.

Stud's birthday is 1-19 and he's going offline 1-15-99!!

Stud came to Exile tonight and told us he will have to go offline for a bit and that his birthday is the 19th of this month. So, can't we all say happy birthday right here? Stud I hope you manage to get back online very soon! *singing Happy Birthday to You* Good luck at the "special bank" LOL!!!

-- Laighe (, January 15, 1999.

A February birthday.

Ok here's one. Cheyanne's birthday is Feb. 27th.

-- Laighe (, February 04, 1999.

Birthdays for Feb and march... (apologies if I don't know everyone's new nickname) 7 february - flingcat 11 February - kaja 8 March - chip ummm I have lots of others but I haven't seen these people for ages - want me to put them up?

-- gobbles (, February 04, 1999.

I know I'd appreciate it, gobbs.

Especially if you tell me when yours is again... I have a new calendar and lost all my old info. P.S. How are you doing anyway? Haven't "seen" you in a while. Maybe I should check my e-mail? lol See you soon!

-- Laighe (, February 05, 1999.

here are the rest of the birthdays for people I haven't seen in ages... Dragon95 = 18 Feb cowgirl = 3 Feb rekindled = 22 Feb and for March heyhey = 3 March Antrobous = 3 march Chip = 8 March (might have already put that one up!) bud1000 = 6 March Kilan = 13 March lawsuit = 29 March Hope that helps...and I don't know everyone's new nickname or even if they're still around!!! Ok...and my birthday is 16 June *smile*... and I'm old old old :(((( Please do continue putting the birthdays up...I'm noting them down!! *smile*

-- gobbles (, February 05, 1999.

Happy Birthday Qabalah! APril 27

-- Kiki (, April 09, 1999.

Happy Birthday Qabalah!!!!!!!!!

APRIL 27 from Kiki

-- Tracy Baubo (, April 09, 1999.

Laighes birthday is May 30th

-- jamais1 (, May 15, 1999.

Thanks jams :) Well, gobbles told us that Joemo's birthday is May 20th, Gutersnipe (who I'm not sure I know) has one on May 22nd, and Maskedmagician has one on May 25th.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 16, 1999.

Jama's birthday is 19 july. Patrick told us.

-- desdra (, July 10, 1999.

Kaerae July 15th; Jamais July 19th; Wolfie July 21st (he'll be 19); and Bugblast July 31st. So far that's all of the birthdays for July that I know of that haven't already happened.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, July 12, 1999.

Phoenix is October 15th

-- Danni (, July 15, 1999.

My birfday is coming up

21st December - i will be 27 !!!

-- Oddyseee - aka Wednsday (, December 04, 1999.

Ummm tis a tad late to tell ye now, but its Shelbyx b'day on the 1st april every year.... drop her an email to

have a good day SHel :)

-- BugBlast (, April 01, 2000.

Good grief how can I not remember Shelby's birthday? Dang... thanks, Bug. I think fatous's birthyday is April 19th.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, April 01, 2000.

Did you notice laighe left off her Birthday its May 30 Ink is December 20 oh and mine is the 19 of july

-- jamais1 (, May 23, 2000.

ok..I'm on to you now ED..."evvvil--llll, evvvilll!" There you go sneaking around making birthday cards again.mmmm.Ok I have to admit..the possibility makes me pretty excited now since I have never recieved one from you before!(feel like a little kid) I would love to see an Excile reunion though! That would really make my day! I miss all you guys and gals. Ken

-- Ken Gowash aka:washngo (, January 13, 2001.

yup...getting up there on 1/21/(64)....geesh, almost the big 40! yikes!.Laighe what do I do then????...(hehehe)...wait Jammy knows!..hello all!

-- Ken (, January 18, 2001.

Gee, Wash, it's been so long since I turned 40 that I can't remember what you do next. Umm, keep breathing? LOL!!! I will be 49 years old this year! Oh my Gawd! I'm still younger than Redram/Terry though so that's ok. : )

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, January 21, 2001.

My birthday is October 18.

-- SallyJane Gellert (, January 19, 2002.

i dont know if this is the right thing or not but here are #3 birthdays for -march 22nd samantha burns of st.marys also for march - 22nd connie binegar of st.marys,and March- 23 Tom Cain of bellville wv on

thank you!

-- samantha Renae burns (, March 01, 2004.

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