Antique Painting(at least 50 years old) : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I have inherited an antique painting, depicting the early stages of the sinking of the Titanic. My father has told me it hung in his grandmothers house since he can remember. It has a boat in the forground and the boat in the back. A few people are in the water also. I have seen another pic like it on the net but they were reproductions. I believe it may have been painted by someone on the ship who survived. Can anyone help with any information? Thanks, Dave

-- David Hall (, January 09, 1999



Can you post a similar picture's web URL? Better still, could you get a picture of the actual painting? I could then post it on the main website.

Oh, and whatever you do, do *NOT* clean the painting...always good advise for any antique or collectible.

Is there a signature on the painting?

-- Thomas M. Terashima (, January 09, 1999.

have you the date when the picture was painted

-- daniel wright (, April 06, 2004.

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