Minox negative walletgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
Where to get Minox film sleeves ?
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 09, 1999
MINOX film sleeve measured 7.7cm x 14.8 cm, came inside a white paper evelop with MINOX logo. Each sleeve has four storage rows for 10 Minox negatives each, for a total number of 40 8x11 negatives. The sleeve has MINOX made in Germany one top left, and "Remove only for enlarging ! at top right. Minox film sleeve is the best Minox film storage. With a Minox negative viewing loup, one can conveniently examine each negative with out taking film strip out of storage, Minox loup's clip was designed for Minox sleeve viewing. Minox sleeve seems out of stock. I use ordinary 35mm sleeve to store Minox negatives. Some Minoxer uses solder iron and rule to heat draw a separation line to divide each 35mm sleeve in halves, or simply use staple to divide. But I find that undivided 35mm sleeve is simpler to use, more easy to take out the film. I put all these Minox film storages sheets in a big three ring binder. The down side with 35mm negative storage sheet: Minox loup can not clip on all negatives. From time to time, Minox sleeves show up on eBay auctions.
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 09, 1999.
The first Minox negative wallet appeared in 1938, along with Riga Minox. The VEF Minox Riga wallet had 5 sleeves holding 10 negatives each, for a total of 50 negatives.
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 13, 1999.