Blockiness in VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

How can blockiness be reduced or minimized in VCD Authoring?

-- Toby Tat (, January 06, 1999


As far as I know all you can do is increase it to save on somthing or other and get better sound.

-- Jonathan Dale (, January 09, 1999.

Check the "quality" of the caputre you are making, are you using low, medium, good or best to capture your video? Do you have dropped frames? If so reduce your frame/sec on record reduce dropped frames. Avideo recorded at 15 frames per/sec looks better than a 30fps with dropped frames. Lastly, check you data rates for video and audio in your encoder software.

-- Thunder (, January 09, 1999.

Blockiness will occur in certain scenes no matter what manner of filtering is done such as:

1. wavy water 2. rain 3. high speed movement

To reduce "blockiness" you need to acquire pre-filtering equipment OR perform double-pass encoding.

Video CD production is a 1+1+1 kind of thing where the overall quality depends on a few elements. Contact us if you have any more queries.

Digital Human Multimedia Kuala Lumpur

-- Digital Human Multimedia (, June 28, 1999.

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