CD-R Drive : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to make and copy VCD's but I don't know much about CD-R's can someone tell me about them and recomend a drive that is very cheap and old and where to get it in England?

-- Jonathan Dale (, January 04, 1999


If you have a VCD player then you can get a CDR writer But if you want to play VCD's in DVD player then better buy CDRW writers You can get Internal CDR writers 's for 250 USD while External CDR writers is 100USD more. Differece between CDR writers and CDRW writers is some wher around 100USD.If u buy CDRW writers then you can write CDR's as well as CDRW's. check the site .Click on the Link Storage.You can see hundreds of CDR writers and CDRW writers.

-- Senthil S Kumaran (, January 26, 1999.

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