Can I play Cd-i or Laser Discs on my PSX : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to know if I can play CD-i's and laser discs on my Playstation with the VCD Adapter as well as VCD Movies. And if so can you tell me of other movie cd brands that I can play.

Thanks Craig

-- Craig (, January 02, 1999


Dear Craig, I'm sorry to tell you this but laser discs are about a foot across and if you fit that in your PSX your a beter man than I am. As for CD-I, nope sorry. But if your really interested in VCD than I sugest you fuck your PSX and get a proper player. The picture you get on your PSX is shit, for #70 you will get I supose its OK. ButI know a place that can fix you with a #80 portable VCD player with the works!

-- Jonathan Dale (, January 02, 1999.

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