Lens adapter & lenses for Olympus D-220L

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am looking for lenses & Adapter for my Olympus D-220L. It seems that Raynox and Tiffen both manufacture this setup. These setups apparently will also work with Olympus Models D-320 and D-340 . Has anyone used either the Raynox or Tiffen setups? Are there other choices available?

-- Ken Roberts (kroberts@snet.net), December 31, 1998


I haven't used either Raynox or Tiffen on this camera, and as far as I know, they're the only game in town. Depending on the construction of their accessory lenses though, there may be threads available to which you could attach some *other* lens more to your liking... Our "deals" page currently (1/99) has two links to folks who deal with these things: BugeyeDigital, (a banner ad), and a "Deals" posting about Digital Etc. Either of those folks may be able to shed more light, either about alternatives, or about the availability of filter threads on the Raynox adapters.

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), January 04, 1999.

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